Ask the Expert

By Krista Wagner, OTR/L Question: Is leaking urine a normal part of the aging process? Answer: Incontinence is an involuntary loss of urine or stool that impacts your daily activities or routines, and is not a normal part of the…
By Krista Wagner, OTR/L Question: Is leaking urine a normal part of the aging process? Answer: Incontinence is an involuntary loss of urine or stool that impacts your daily activities or routines, and is not a normal part of the…
By Elizabeth Johnson, PT, DPT Therapy and Wellness, Physical Therapist Q: Why should I come to physical therapy before my joint replacement surgery? A: Meeting with a physical therapist prior to your surgery will give you an opportunity to learn…
Chris Little will return to Borderland in 2024 A Borderland native will return to the area in 2024 as a family practice physician at Rainy Lake Clinic. Chris Little, a 2010 Falls High School graduate, has signed an agreement with…
Rainy Lake Medical Center’s new respiratory and pulmonary service line officially launches next week. Jaci Klaphake, respiratory therapist, will begin seeing patients June 13, and is looking forward to finally treating and educating community members in need. “A respiratory therapist…
Due to unprecedented COVID-related government lock downs in China, Rainy Lake Medical Center, along with all U.S. hospitals, are experiencing supply chain disruptions creating shortages of contrast dye (also known as x-ray dye) to perform CAT or CT scans As…
The 2022 horizon includes many exciting things happening at Rainy Lake Medical Center. Our RLMC heroes in every department are working incredibly hard to ensure they are doing everything in their power to care for the communities we serve. Our…
By: Meghann Cassibo Q: What is Occupational Therapy? A: Occupational therapists strive to help individuals of all ages participate in their desired occupations with the therapeutic use of everyday activities that are based on an individual’s needs and interests. Occupations…
By Hannah Junker Q: What does a Speech-Language Pathologist do? A: Speech-Language Pathologists can assess, diagnose, and treat a wide variety of difficulties including: Language Delays and Disorders Articulation/Speech Production Social Language Disorders Speech Generating Devices Stuttering Voice Disorders Swallowing…
An emergency room doctor at Rainy Lake Medical Center has agreed to a contract that will place him at the facility one week a month for the next three years. RLMC officials last week agreed to deal with Acute Care,…