Is right for you?
By Jaci Klaphake, RLMC registered respiratory therapist
Pulmonary Rehabilitation is a comprehensive, tailored program for people with chronic pulmonary disease to help them to live better with understanding of the disease and management of symptoms. It is a prominent component of treatment for all patients with respiratory disorders such as COPD, lung cancer, interstitial lung disease, persistent asthma, surgical lung reduction, occupational and environmental lung disease.
There are many areas of life that can be affected by lung disease that Rainy Lake Medical Center (RLMC) staff will help you manage:
- Strength and endurance are key in managing symptoms of shortness of breath. Many think that if they do less, they will have less shortness of breath, but this isn’t true. Exercise is essential for lung function management, and it is a part of every session. We will help get you there.
- Nutrition is another highlighted area we cover. Food is fuel. We will help with strategies for good nutrition and work around struggles with weight, meals and eating.
- Infection and exacerbation prevention.
- Medication monitoring, effective inhaled medication techniques and oxygen therapy.
- Saving energy and making the most of your energy.
- Strategies and behavior modifications to help you control stress and anxieties associated with lung disease and symptoms.
Sessions are two days a week for 6-12 weeks, and it is HIGHLY recommended that you attend every session in addition to one exercise session on your own and work up to 20-40 minutes. For the best results to continue your life with less shortness of breath and more energy, continue your exercise regime you created during your time in Pulmonary Rehab. Set a time for exercise and continue to follow that 3-4 times per week. Use the tools learned and refer to them often. Join a gym, an exercise class, walking group or ask Jaci Klaphake, RLMC’s registered respiratory therapist, about continuing in our Phase 3 pulmonary rehab program (this is 12-week, self-pay, scheduled access to the Pulmonary Rehab gym.)
If you think Pulmonary Rehab is right for you, contact your healthcare provider for a referral or if you have questions, call Jaci at 218-598-5175